Pure Beeswax
We are proud to offer a very high quality, refined Pharmaceutical Grade Beeswax from Germany. Pharmaceutical-grade beeswax is the highest quality beeswax and is used in lipsticks, salves, medicinal ointments and to coat pills. This is the highest quality, clearest wax available due to the extensive filtering process that it undergoes. It is guaranteed diseases-free and without antibiotic residues.
Due to a special mechanical system from our German supplier the wax gets cleaned chemical free and keeps its typical natural wax smell.
We offer it in natural yellow or white bleached pastilles, which come in 10 or 25 kg bags.
This beautiful wax is the finest we have ever acquired; producing a very fragrant, clean, and perfectly filtered product without the debris and muddy color found in typical waxes. Use it for cosmetics, salves, body care products, lotions and you can melt it down to make your own aromatic candles. Pure bees wax with no filler, synthetics, debris, or foreign fragrances. Higher quality than standard pharmaceutical-grade beeswax due to innovative German supplier.
Price: $26.50 CAD per kg
Bleached beeswax:
Price: $27.50 CAD per kg
African Organic Beeswax
We also offer African Organic Beeswax. It is produced in wild African forests where it is free of industrial pollution. Our organic beeswax is 100% free of pesticides.
We offer the organic beeswax as foundations for organic beekeeper or in greater quantities in pastilles. But one can also use wax pastilles for any kind of use like organic wax candles and organic cosmetics.
Price: $29.90 CAD per kg
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